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Danville Little League

News Detail


Oct, 2024

2025 Board of Directors Announced

I’m writing to introduce you to our 2025 Executive Board of Directors.

First, I’d like to express a deep debt of gratitude to our outgoing League President David Walters.  His leadership over the last two years has given us an upgrade to the Majors playing field, a much-needed 2nd Batting Cage at Osage Park, a highly successful introduction of Kid Pitch at the Single A level, and many other enhancements that our league is truly better for.  We wish him, his wife Laura, and their sons Tristan and Sawyer all the best as they embark on a new chapter in their lives with a return to the Chicago area!

I also wish to thank Corey Fitzgibbon, Shaun Moylan, and Xon Burris for their years of service to the league - as Board members, Coaches during the regular season and postseason, safety officer, uniform leads, treasurer, and many other positions of leadership for us.

As Dave, Corey, Shaun, and Xon move on, their contributions to championships and maintaining the excellence of DANV LL is not forgotten, and gives us a great tradition to carry on with our new Board.

Secondly, I present to you our Executive Board of Directors for 2025:

President: Jim Rossi

VP, Baseball Operations: Nathan King

VP, Training and CoachingChris Brown

VP, Special GamesBrent Johnson

Safety DirectorNolan Arieta

Player Agent, Minors: Tony Festa

Player Agent, Majors: Scott Diekman

TreasurerMark Kennedy

Umpire-in-Chief: Chris Warren

These servant leaders have extensive youth baseball experience coupled with countless hours of volunteer time to our league.  These combined attributes have prepared them to take on these essential roles and I am honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with them to bring a successful launch to our season in 2025.

Finally, I encourage you to reach out to any of us with questions or suggestions that will help improve the youth baseball experience for our players and families. I will be holding “Open Clubhouse” hours at our sponsor establishments in Downtown Danville throughout the offseason to field any ideas you have to make our league better.  Thank you for partnering with us in what will be another memorable year for our league!

Let’s Go Danville!
Jim Rossi


Danville Little League
PO Box 1174 
Danville, California 94526

Phone: 925-277-5340
Email: [email protected]

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